Why to claim business profile ?
There are various reasons we might need to claim business profiles.
- Someone else created the business profile and now you want to manage it, using your account.
- The email address used to sign-in in order to create business profile is forgotten, and we need to claim the ownership under new account using new email address.
- For some reason, we want to change the login email address. In that case, we have to register user with new email address and then claim the business profile after login with new email address.
How to claim business profile ?
Visit the profile page you want to claim. Please note that you must be already logged in before you can start the claim process. Once you are logged in, click on the Claim this listing button on the profile page as shown in the screenshot below.

If you click on Claim this listing button without logging in, you will see a popup window as shown in the screenshot below. Follow the instructions in the window to proceed further.

If you click on Claim this listing button after logging in, you will see a popup window as shown in the screenshot below. Provide the reason for claiming the profile and click on Submit button.

Wait for the claim to be approved
Each Claim goes through manual verification process before it gets approved. Once approved, you will get an email, about the approval. After that, you can login and manage the business profile.